Besler's Cherry Pepper: A Glimpse into the Past

Besler's Cherry Pepper: A Glimpse into the Past

The world of gardening and horticulture is a treasure trove of fascinating plant varieties, many of which have rich histories dating back centuries. One such botanical wonder is Besler's Cherry Pepper, a delightful and unique heirloom pepper variety illustrated by the renowned botanist Basilius Besler in the early 17th century. In this blog, we'll delve into the history of Besler's Cherry Pepper and explore why it continues to captivate gardeners and collectors today. Plus, we'll provide you with the opportunity to buy a live plant to start your own Besler's Cherry Pepper journey!

A Brief History of Basilius Besler

Before we dive into the world of Besler's Cherry Pepper, let's take a moment to appreciate the man behind the illustrations—Basilius Besler. Born in 1561 in Germany, Besler was a pharmacist and botanist who dedicated his life to the study and documentation of plants. His most notable work, "Hortus Eystettensis," published in 1613, is considered one of the earliest and most important botanical works ever created.

The Beauty of Besler's Cherry Pepper

Among the stunning illustrations featured in "Hortus Eystettensis," Besler's Cherry Pepper stands out as a true gem. This heirloom pepper variety is renowned for its vibrant red fruits, which are small, round, and resemble cherries. The plant itself is a compact and bushy one, making it an ideal choice for home gardeners with limited space.

Besler's intricate illustrations of this pepper variety have not only captured its physical beauty but also provide invaluable insights into its cultivation and characteristics during the 17th century. This historical documentation offers a unique window into the world of horticulture in the early modern era.

Why Choose Besler's Cherry Pepper

  1. Historical Significance: Growing Besler's Cherry Pepper is like cultivating a piece of living history. It allows you to connect with the rich heritage of plant enthusiasts from centuries past.

  2. Unique Appearance: The small, cherry-like peppers are not only visually appealing but also offer a distinct flavor profile. They are mildly spicy with a hint of sweetness, making them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.

  3. Compact Growth: If you have limited garden space or are interested in container gardening, Besler's Cherry Pepper is an excellent choice due to its compact growth habit.

How to Grow Besler's Cherry Pepper

To get started on your Besler's Cherry Pepper journey, you can purchase a live starter plant from Grow Your Own Food Nursery. Here are some general guidelines for successfully growing this heirloom pepper variety:

  1. Select a Sunny Location: Choose a spot in your garden or on your balcony that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day.

  2. Well-Drained Soil: Ensure your soil is well-drained, as peppers prefer slightly sandy or loamy soil.

  3. Planting: Plant your Besler's Cherry Pepper in the spring after the last frost date for your region. Space the plants about 18 inches apart to allow for adequate airflow.

  4. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overhead watering to prevent fungal diseases.

  5. Fertilization: Fertilize your pepper plants with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer according to package instructions.

  6. Pruning: Pinch off any small, non-essential branches to encourage bushier growth.

  7. Harvesting: Once the peppers have ripened to a deep red color, they are ready to be harvested. Use scissors or garden shears to snip them from the plant.


Besler's Cherry Pepper is not just a plant; it's a living piece of history that brings beauty and flavor to your garden. Its unique appearance, historical significance, and ease of cultivation make it a delightful addition to any garden. By purchasing a live starter plant, you can embark on your own journey to cultivate this heirloom pepper and experience the joy of growing a plant that has captivated gardeners for centuries.

So, why wait? Visit Grow Your Own Food Nursery today to start your own Besler's Cherry Pepper adventure and connect with the botanical legacy of Basilius Besler. Happy gardening!

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