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We specialize in Hard to Find Plants and Fruit trees. All Our Products produce something to eat, either fruit, edible greens, or herbs.
Let's All Grow Our Own Food!
Ever since the pandemic started, we all noticed how dependent we are on big corporations for food production. In times like this, with so many disruptions we need a backup plan for providing food to our family. We want to help and encourage our customers to grow their own food at home.
Cucurbita Ficifolia (Chilacayote), Alcayota Squash Heirloom Seeds
White Figleaf Gourd (Cucurbita Ficifolia)(Chilacayote), Alcayota Squash Heirloom Seeds
Cold Hardy Opuntia engelmannii (Texas Prickly Pear) (Red Tuna Pricky Pear) Pad (Cutting)
Opuntia Cacti
Opuntia Cacti CuttingsWe have a Great Selection of Opuntia Cacti Cuttings. We Specialize in the varieties that produce delicious fruit. We also favor drought-tolerant and cold-hardy varieties.
Our VegetablesWe pick the easiest to grow, tasty and more productive varieties of vegetables. We focus on Open-Pollinated varieties so that you can save seeds and keep growing them for years.
Fruit Trees
Fruit TreesWe pick some of the best and Hard to find varieties of fruit trees. We believe in plant diversity so we will introduce our unique varieties. You will also find some Heirlooms as we know we also need to preserve the best varieties.
Herbs and Spices
Herbs and SpicesWe Specialize in hard to find and Delicious Herbs. Herbs are used in a variety of dishes, home remedies and aromatherapy. We focus on Open-pollinated, easy to grow varieties.