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Grow Your Own Food Nursery

Opo Short Squash Lauki Short bottle gourd Non GMO Open Pollinated Seeds

Opo Short Squash Lauki Short bottle gourd Non GMO Open Pollinated Seeds

Regular price $997.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $997.00 USD
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Presenting for sale, 10 Premium Opo Asian Short Squash seeds, a distinctive and highly coveted variety renowned for its compact size and delectable flavor. This unique squash, also known as bottle gourd or calabash, offers a compact and manageable growth habit, making it an ideal choice for home gardeners seeking a versatile and delicious addition to their produce.


Compact Growth Habit: The Opo Asian Short Squash is characterized by its compact vines and manageable size, making it suitable for gardens with limited space. This feature allows for easy cultivation in containers or smaller garden plots.

Exceptional Flavor Profile: Renowned for its mild, sweet taste and tender texture, Opo Asian Short Squash is a versatile ingredient in a variety of culinary dishes. From stir-fries to soups, this squash adds a delightful flavor to your home-cooked meals.

Prolific Yields: Our premium seeds are selected to ensure high germination rates and robust plant development, resulting in bountiful harvests. Experience the satisfaction of cultivating a prolific and productive squash variety in your own garden.

Adaptability: Opo Asian Short Squash demonstrates adaptability to diverse growing conditions, thriving in both warm and temperate climates. This adaptability makes it an excellent choice for gardeners in various geographical regions.

Nutrient-Rich: Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, Opo Asian Short Squash contributes to a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Its nutritional content enhances the appeal of incorporating homegrown produce into your daily meals.

Open Pollinated: These seeds are open-pollinated, ensuring genetic diversity and offering the potential for seed saving. Gardeners can enjoy a sustainable gardening experience by harvesting and replanting seeds from mature fruits.

Culinary Versatility: From salads to curries, Opo Asian Short Squash elevates the culinary experience with its versatility. Its adaptability to various cooking methods makes it a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike.

Easy to Grow: Novice and experienced gardeners will appreciate the ease of growing Opo Asian Short Squash. Each package comes with detailed growing instructions, providing valuable insights into soil preparation, watering, and maintenance.

Enhance your gardening endeavors with the unique and flavorful Opo Asian Short Squash. Purchase your premium seeds now to embark on a journey of cultivating this exceptional variety, bringing a touch of culinary sophistication to your homegrown produce.

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We are here to help new and experienced gardeners to grow their own food at home.

Growing our own fruits and vegetables at home has many benefits:

1- You stay active

2- Stress is reduced just by being outside caring for your plants.

3- You get Vitamin D from the sun.

4-You know exactly what you are eating and what it was exposed to.

5- Your fruits and vegetables have more nutrients and more flavor since they were allowed to reach their full ripeness. and More....